The MDSUA provides umpiring services to sanctioned Little League programs in Northeastern Wayne County and Macomb County

The MDSUA was started in 2004 with about 35 umpires and that year we provided umpiring service for 4 Little Leagues.

In 2022 the MDSUA provided umpiring services for 10 Little League programs (7 baseball and 3 softball), with 77 umpires.

In 2022 the MDSUA scheduled 1,788 games that had 2,581 umpires scheduled to work those games from April to September for those leagues.

While the goal for the association is always 100%, for the past twelve years the MDSUA has had a show-up rate of around 99%. For 2022, we were able to achieve a 99.80% show-up rate.

It is because of the dedication of the umpires that this association has been able to grow and provide quality umpiring services to the various leagues.